Bombinobelts provide sanforising felts are used on the Palmer unit of the compressive shrinking range or Sanforising machine. The Sanforising machine does for plain woven fabric what a compactor does for knitted fabrics : Pre-shrinking and stabilization. The difference comes from the fact that the shrinkage is not given by the felt, but by a thick rubber belt using steam and mechanical pressure on the first unit of the machine. Sanforising machines are used in shirting, bottom-weight and Denim finishing plants.
The sanforising felt also called Palmer felt, shrinking felt, drying felt or Sanfor blanket has mainly two purposes:
Bombinobelts offer the best drying, an excellent shrinkage control and a very good hand to the fabric.
These sanforising felts are used on the following machines : Monforts, Morrison, Bruckner, Cibitex, Muzzi, Tepa, Sperotto, Dhall, Ronson, Swastik, Poong Kwang, Bisio, Daroitex, Paganini, etc.