PTFE Coated Fiberglass Fabrics & Adhesive tapes

PTFE coated fiberglass fabrics with & without adhesives and in tickness varying from 0.08 to 0.90 mm. are available for various applications.

PTFE Coated Fiberglass Taps
PTFE Teflon Coated Fiberglass Taps

*Product Specifications

Product Code Thickness (mm.) Weight (gr/sqm.) Available width (mm.)
B 13 0.135 265 1000 / 1250
B 22 0.22 480 1000
B 25 0.25 520 1000
B 35AS (Antistatic - Black) 0.35 700 1000 & 1525
B 55 0.55 950 1000
B 70 0.70 1150 1000 & 1100
B.080SA (Adhesive) 0.08 + adhesive 165 + adhesive 1000 / 1250
(Slit rolls available)
B.130SA (Adhesive) 0.135 + adhesive 265 + adhesive 1000 / 1250
(Slit rolls available)
B 4 x 4 mm (Open mesh) 1 & 1.25   Up to 4200
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