PTFE Fiberglass Belts and belting materials are accessible for applications that require unrivaled discharge qualities, porousness for quick drying, dimensional and warm solidness, and the dynamic quality to stand up to the most thorough working conditions. The unique behavior of these materials results in a product that is more practical and cost- effective than conventional belting materials.
The woven reinforcement results in a stretching of roughly 1% under typical mechanical stacking, even at temperatures of 550°F. Length bending is particularly low, while width unbending nature and soundness are upgraded by the high-modulus of the reinforcement. Our PTFE Coated Fiberglass Belts might be utilized constantly at temperatures up to 550°F without diminishing its execution.
Our PTFE Belts have been subjected to static and dynamic tests which demonstrate that it can withstand all ordinary working conditions influencing administration life.
PTFE Fiberglass Belts surfaces are unaffected by most chemicals and solvents.